Promoting Mental Health and Psychological Health & Safety in the Workplace

Our Services

Mental Health First Aid

Accredited certification through the Mental Health Commission of Canada


Workplace Training

Workshops on psychosocial hazards and implementing the National Standard on Psychological Health & Safety


Ready to implement a Psychological Health and Safety Management System (PHSMS) in your workplace?


Benefits of Psychological Safety

Reduce Absenteeism

An estimated $16.6 Billions is lost due to workers calling in sick as a result of mental health issues

Increase Productivity

Improved morale leads to fewer conflicts and increased productivity and efficiency

Improve Retention

Keep the employees you have and attract new talent by demonstrating concern for employee's mental well-being

Prevent Injury

Lower costs associated with psychological injury claims and short- and long-term disability

A Message from the Founder


At Psychological Injury (PI) Solutions, our mission is to provide comprehensive training that empowers individuals and workers to effectively manage their mental health. We believe in de-stigmatizing mental health and empowering leaders to create supportive environments in the workplace.

Proud to have worked with:


Alyssa's classroom approach is with compassion. She is very mindful of everyone's unique needs and is always open to student feedback/opinions

Alyssa always does a great job in facilitating participation. Her experience in previous areas is valuable

Conversational, informal but informed approach to facilitating our participation


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